Prate - significado y definición. Qué es Prate
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Qué (quién) es Prate - definición

¦ verb talk foolishly or at tedious length.
ME: from MDu., Mid. Low Ger. praten, prob. of imitative origin.
I. v. n.
Prattle, chatter, tattle, babble, gabble, palaver, jabber, be loquacious, be garrulous.
II. v. a.
Tell (foolishly), babble, utter, prate about.
III. n.
Prattle, gabble, chatter, twaddle, palaver, idle talk, childish talk, twattle, non-sense.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Prate
1. that I stayed in Prato.
Everything is Broken Up and Dances _ Edoardo Nesi _ Talks at Google
2. textile companies now in Prato.
Everything is Broken Up and Dances _ Edoardo Nesi _ Talks at Google
3. think you're a complete prat.
_ John Cleese _ Talks at Google
4. Don't fuck me over here, prat.
Ripley's Game (2003)
5. even to Prato, to my hometown.
Everything is Broken Up and Dances _ Edoardo Nesi _ Talks at Google